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Art Therapy

Art therapy or expressing oneself through art includes several artistic mediums, including drawing, painting, watercolours, and collages. A tried and tested and most effective tool is the vision board, which is a collage of images, pictures, clippings, words or other materials that represent your goals, hopes and dreams.

Meditation and Yoga

Peace of Mind through Yoga and Meditation with the use of the traditional ancient yoga and meditation techniques, we try to inculcate different qualities like social discipline, individual discipline, body posture, control and regulation of breath and vital force, discipline of senses, concentration, contemplation, non violence and truthfulness.

Dining Program

Our dining program although is not similar to the five star gourmet experience, however our food is nutritional tasty and very hygienically prepared. It is our understanding a body recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction needs a well balanced diet. All the three meals are freshly prepared keeping the nutritional value of the ingredients.